Blogs, Sites, Archives, Podcasts:
Scholar of Gnostic studies April Deconick's personal site
The Gnostic Society Library
The Gnostic Devotions blog
The Quasi-Gnostic blog
The Early Christian Writings database
OtherGospels.com: Here you can find translations of the Gostic texts (alongside other apocryphal writings) with added chaper/verse numbers for reference.
Ancient Esotericism: Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity
The Nag Hammadi Archive (high quality scans of the original codices themselves)
Gone but not forgotten - go old skool with the Palm Tree Garden
(still a great resource for any modern Gnostic)
The Non-Canonical Christianity blog
The Coptic Magical Papyri project
The WayofHermes - information and learning resources for the modern Hermeticist.
Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies
The Internet Sacred Text Archive
The Mandaean Association Union
The Worlds of Mandaean Priests - a project to archive and record the knowledge and practices of this endangered community in the words of its own priests and followers.
The International Aassociation of Manichaean Studies
See what the other side had to say - Plotinus: Against the Gnostics
Gnostique.net (more on the French Gnostic tradition)
Gnosis in Rythm and Song (a musical reconstruction of Sethian Gnostic ritual chants by Prof April Deconick)
Initiatory Vibrations - a collection of Gnostic chants and meditations (atmospheric dark ambient compositions by Altrusian Grace using the Sethian vowel chants)
Talk Gnosis (podcast)
Ecclesia Gnostica (homilies and lectures by Stephan Hoeller)
The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast (SHWEP)
Gnostic Christianity with Reverand Shawn Garan (podcast)
Discourse of the Stranger (podcast)
Altrusian Grace Media (ambient audiobooks of various esoteric, including Gnostic, texts)